Calling [Water] Engineers and all Potential Friends of the Prestongrange Beam Engine!
One of the great artefacts at Prestongrange Heritage Museum ...
.... is the Cornish Beam Engine which arrived towards the end of the 19th Century - 1874 to be precise via Morrison's Haven - and until 1954 played a crucial part in making the Prestongrange Pit accessible for coal extraction. It pumped 250,000 gallons of water out of the workings every hour for 70 years from 800 feet below ground.
At the Museum, working with East Lothian Council, the Battle Trust is now greatly ambitious to find a home for The Prestonpans Tapestry and to create a Living History Centre in the Miners' Old BathHouse. The Steamies are busy ensuring their engines once again grace their tracks. Biddy Simpson, the County Archaeologist, has been conducting digs for the past 5 years with great success. In other words, the future ideas are bubbling up for Prestongrange .... and there's clearly a significant need for Engineers [especially Water] to step forward and give a hand to make the most of the historic Beam Engine.
The last leaflet - produced by the Scottish Mining Museum - is shown below. Click to enlarge and print out

If you can get involved and see what help is needed, please contact Gillian Hart at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg - 01875 819922 [not Mondays]
Once there's a few volunteers to help 'explore' what might be, we'll call a working supper at The Goth to get things moving.
If, of course, such a volunteering role is not for you, but you know someone who it might well intrigue, please get them to give a call instead ...... the more volunteers the merrier!
Published Date: October 12th 2010