Quo Vadis Tappete? Back to Rome perhaps ...?
Everyone's asking ... and here's the answer
All our stitchers know the Battle Trust is adamant that, in the fullness of time, a very very proper permanent home for The Prestonpans Tapestry must be found in The Pans. Presently it is very much hoped that this can be at Prestongrange Heritage Museum [which already remembers and celebrates 1000 years of industrial leadership in Scotland's history] and discussions are certainly in progress with East Lothian Council which owns the museum site to that end.
Furthermore, towards the end of this year a very public Appeal for Funds to create a purpose built display for the Tapestry there will be launched internationally. Gareth Bryn-Jones, the Trust's architect is working on costings and designs to share with potential donors.
... but Touring will indeed continue into 2011 and beyond
Subject only to most careful maintenance, the Trust is committed to continue touring into the indefinite future - even for a 'season' when the permanent home is found in Prestonpans. Touring ensures as many interested people - Jacobites & embroiderers & artists & historians - get to see and enjoy the artwork so lovingly created with 10 million stitches over 25,000 hours.
Immediately after the Tapestry is taken down at the Community Centre on September 26th it will go back to Andrew Crummy's Studio at Cockenzie for its second MoT and such repairs as may be called for. Odd snags here, sagging there etc.
It emerges again for two very significant moments later this year:
November 27th & 28th @ Cockenzie Power Station - where 3Harbours mounts an excellent exhibition each year.
December 13th/ 14th/ 15th/ 16th @ the Scottish Parliament: It will be at Holyrood that the Appeal for funds to create the Tapestry's permanent home will be officially launched and a Petition will be laid before Parliament for it to accord all such support as it can.
We shall of necessity also begin charging/ deliberately soliciting kind donations from here forwards [many donations have of course already been made but the Trust's deliberate approach is still being finalised!].
We certainly agree it's been a long wait for the citizens of Edinburgh to have sight in the city of the Tapestry. But their wait is almost over!
February 2011 sees the Tapestry at the Scottish Story Telling Centre, Neterbow Port - during half term of course, to be followed directly by an extended venue in the city yet to be finally agreed upon!

The arrival in February into Edinburgh will be to great acclaim with the Alan Brecks making their way into the city by the Netherbow Port andd Proclaiming King James VIII and III at the Mercat Cross.
For next summer, discussions are now at an advanced stage for the Tapestry to be displayed at St Mary's Cathedral which will be a magnificent venue especially during the Fringe.
Will communities in the Highlands be able to see the Tapestry again soon?
There were more than a few locations in the Highlands that very much wanted to host the Tapestry this past summer but were either too late or could not be fitted in to the very busy schedule Arran Johnston was leading. In 2011 it is proposed to set aside a month - possibly October - when a series of 4 day exhibitions will be offered in quick succession provided and this is vital, that full support is forthcoming at each such Highland venue to host the exhibition after the Trust delivers and launches the occasion. All communities that have already asked for a visit will be contacted later in the year to see what might be.
And what of East Lothian itself?
It's certainly not far to Prestonpans or Gullane or Duddingston for East Lothian's indwellers but the Trust certainly wishes to get up close and friendly with Dunbar and Haddington which welcomed Cope and Musselburgh/ Inveresk where the Highlanders passed by en route to battle and on their way back to Edinburgh. And what of the Belters of Tranent with their barking dogs of war? For these home county venues the Trust is hopeful to schedule venues in middle/ late March 2011.
... and Rome, Nantes/ St Nazaire, the international Diaspora, Scotland Week in the USA and Scotland House in Bruxelles and London etc.
Yes, all these destinations are being researched. The Prestonpans Tapestry is community art as well as apposite history and fine embroidery. Any and all Supporters reading here who have contacts in such destinations, with a bias for action as opposed to contemplation, please let Arran Johnston knpow as soon as possible - by email HERE
Published Date: September 29th 2010