"Quite Right. Someone else can do the bad news!"
Hark the Sunday Herald Sings
True. The Sunday Herald gave its full report on the Private Viewing & Press Launch on Sunday July 25th - a day before it happened. [It was an inside job since Grant Collinson's mother was one of the 200+ Stitchers!] What Grant had to say is first here below followed by the report appearing in The Press & Journal. And as if that was insufficient, the Daily Mail gave the artwork masterpiece an excellent and very accurate report too which brings up the tail.
P.S The headline quote comes from BBC 1 'Reporting Scotland' Evening tv News Bulletin after Andrew Crummy reminded viewers that Victory for The Prince at Prestonpans was as significant a moment in Scottish history as 'our' tapestry-unmentioned confrontation The Prince had at Culloden the following year.
click to enlarge all press cuttings


And more still from the wire services across Scotland
The Launch of The Prestonpans Tapestry was proudly announced in Am Paipear of course, but also in Stornaway News which carried a picture of Eriskay Village Hall [on his visit in 1745 The Prince stayed in a black house], Perth Courier, Metro and Inverness Courier. The London Times and The Jacobite also carried the story as did the Daily Record, the Edinburgh Evening News, Glasgow Evening Times, Creative Choices and extraordinarily from Havana, Cuba, Celt Fest.

Published Date: July 31st 2010