Coastal Regeneration 3D Model @ 3Harbours - Comments Vitally Needed Please!
A Star Feature @ 3Harbours?
Well, Yes. Our future beckons. The Coastal Regeneration Group is presenting its 3D Model of the Coastal Area for the first time at the 2010 3Harbours Festival ... and it's all about ....well those Three Harbours! So ...
It's vital everyone in our community knows what ideas are coursing around in this gigantic consultation. Vital because they'll be heading in due course for the Local Plan for our Three Harbours area. After all, when 3Harbours celebrates its Silver Anniversary in 20 years time it will be doing so in the context which the Local Plan currently being formulated will have helped create.
It's at The Boatyard - beside this year's Seafood Festival: 11 am - 5 pm Saturday & Sunday May 29th / 30th
There's a massive 3D plan of the whole coastal area, made by many local children and adults. The aim is to open our eyes and inspire us all to say what we would like to see happen along our coastline from West Pans/ Morrison's Haven through Prestonpans, Cockenzie and Port Seton to Longniddry Bents.
The community's organisers/ enthusiasts will be there this Saturday and Sunday. So will our MSP Iain Gray [who chairs the regeneration group] and local County Councillor Willie Innes and many many more - listening and adding your ideas into the pot/ plan. This entire initiative has 3Harbours on board of course, Prestonpans Community Council, The Bloomers, The Yacht Club, Community Centres, Pennypit and Arts Festivals, the Boaties and the Battle Trust ... and as many members of our community as care to have their say.

So please come and tell it 'your' way.
Open 11am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday - May 29th/ 30th.
Visitors a plenty viewed the 3D model, not least our new County MP for Westminster, Fiona O'Donnell, Labour Leader at Holyrood Scottish Parliament/ East Lothian MSP Iain Gray and local ELC Councillor and Labour Group Leader Willie Innes. The totem pole and Gothenburg also get pride of place as pictured above!
click to enlarge the images

Published Date: June 1st 2010