Hark! The Herald ..... Sew Far, Sew Good?
Hark! The Herald exposes our Head Stitcher in all 'our' Glory

The Herald's picture caption writers have come up with a new one then .. Sew Far Sew Good ... wonder who'll dare to offer SoSo?
Yes, It's our leader Dorie Wilkie clothed in fine raiments as Gordon Terris pictured her at home in Mid Lothian. A trained eye can also spot that the panels she displays have been steam pressed on the new carpet she's installed in Andrew Crummy's studio at Cockenzie .... a mystery still to many of us but all will be revealled some day soon no doubt.
The sub-editor's headline for the text is of course by now old hat - first used in the North Berwick Press last year .... but it's good to know that the work has 'begun' ... bit late if it hadn't. Dorie is at pains to point out that she never suggested she'd stitched all four panels as is stated in the caption. Actually she stitched top left. Clockwise the others are by Francis Gardiner/ Vanessa Cohen, Maud Crawford and Elizabeth Jones. The four shown were indeed the first batch of completed panels to arrive at Cockenzie. Hurrah.
click on either press cutting to enlarge it

... we love it though. All publicity is good ... so they say.
Published Date: April 26th 2010