Bonnie Prince Charlie's in the Money - £5 & £10 at a time!
Some very good news in these straightened times!
The Prince's Manifesto, at least so far as the Prestonpans Tapestry is concerned, is published today. Rather than imposing new taxes, the Prince is graciously disposed to grant each of his father's subjects either £10 or £5 each time they see and hear His story told on the 103 x 1000mm x 460mm embroidered panels.

Like all such seemingly generous offers there is one caveat; they can only be spent buying a copy of the Tapestry's accompanying full colour 275pp handbook & guide - or some other fine publication from the same publishers!
Sir Robert Strange's designs from 1745 are finally in circulation
In October 1745, whilst staying in Edinburgh as Regent of Scotland as proclaimed by Lord Lyon, the Prince asked Sir Robert Strange not only to paint his portrait but also to etch designs for banknotes. They were not issued at that time but observing the courage and determination of His Father's subjects in Hawick in March this very year, the Prince has given His formal approval for the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust to issue them now.
They appear below in proof format and will be available first at the 3Harbours Festival and thereafter for all who take the opportunity to view the Tapestry's panels in their final stages of embroidering or when it is completed. N.B. The 275pp Handbook & Guide itself will not be officially published until July 26th.

Who gets the Fiver and who the Tenner then?
The Prince has determined that those who pay an Entrance Fee to see the Tapestry as it is on display each receive a £10 note; those who see some or all the work without paying an Entrance Fee to the Battle Trust get the £5 banknote.
.... and the book would normally cost £30 hard back, or £20 card backed - both stitched spines although not embroidered! So with the Prince's £5 or £10 note it's an even better bargain. Only one banknote with each purchase of course.
Ed. Any readers here who might feel anxious to countenance such issuance of banknotes by the Prince, please be assured that, as in Hawick, under UK law they are deemed to be gift vouchers.
Published Date: April 15th 2010