Sheep Heid's 650th Anniversary ... Help them Celebrate!
Puts the Goth's '2008 Centenary' in its place then ...
Yes, the Sheep Heid at Duddingston justifiably claims a full 650 years' trading thereabouts. And they have serious celebrations in mind ....
Of course, as we all know, the Prince took lunch there on Setember 19th 1745 after his War Council at The Cottage.... and he met the Jenkinson sisters!

... and this coming September on that very date we already have a Highlander march through Musselburgh and Inveresk planned so arriving/ departing at the Sheep Heid will be a worthy destination. And who knows, the Highlanders of Duddingston may well arise and join the march ...
In 2008 in fact, the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust was there in Duddingston having a fine old time of it - pictured above and below.
click on pictures to enlarge
But don't get ahead of ourselves ....
On Tuesday April 27th there's the first meeting in Duddingston, at the Sheep Heid in particular, to see what's what and what might be. And watch out for DJ, DJ Johnston-Smith the publican, who holds Mastery of Scottish History and Archaeology.
If interested in attending [since numbers need to be limited!] please contact Eileen Foulner on 07709934651 or email either Eileen or DJ., the Publican at the Sheep Heid Inn -
Published Date: April 7th 2010