1,2,3 ... all in a row. Dunbar comes to the party!
Dunbar Joins Prestonpans & Pinkie with true East Lothian determination ...
... so that gives all three of East Lothian's major battlefields 'champions'. Dunbar is stiring, Pinkie too.
Prestonpans Battle Trust is absolutely delighted and willing to offer any help that might be asked of it. And already the invitations have gone out to join the 2nd Biennnial National Scottish Battlefields Conference on June 4th/ 6th at Prestonpans Town Hall & Prestongrange Museum.
From the press comments it could sound like an exclusive SNP affair with Roger Knox at Pinkie and Stuart Currie at Dunbar to match Peter MacKenzie's decade of support at Prestonpans. But that would not be true. We're totally apolitical in our approach. Yes, ELC's SNP/ LibDems and Culture Ministers [three so far in three years] are in favour and helping considerably. But so too inter alia are Scotland's Labour Leader Iain Gray - our MSP, ELC's Labour Leader Willie Innes and Patricia Ferguson MSP [former Labour Minister of Culture]. And there was support across all parties at the recent ELC Petitions Committee session in Haddington. Finally Prestonpans Community Council are in full cry.
click to enlarge press cutting

So, the East Lothians Battle Trail can't be far away for many a new tourist .... and let's not forget Athelstaneford are way ahead of all the 'big three' with their Saltire interpretation. They've even made it to the county's Welcome signs - Home of the Nation's Flag - although not given their proper credit for it [yet!].
Ed. If they can do it at Battle [pictured] and Hastings, so can we. And we've more to tell.

Published Date: March 26th 2010