HAV ... that's the message from Prestonpans!

Wondering why such a banner?
Those three words are the catch phrase we've been using for the Battle Trust these past four years.
When we set out to develop the Trust's work and establish a Living History Centre at Prestonpans, we were determined to focus on the youthful hopes and ambitions of the Prince which gave him the stunning Victory here in 1745.
No, we did not intend to tell the balance of the story in 1745/ 1746 - that it all went badly wrong after turning back in Derby in December. Our message was to be, and remains, that we should all strive to achieve what we believe is right; and frankly the fact we wont always succeed is absolutely no reason for not trying one's damnest!
Can't claim our Prestonapns Tapestry is actually all about Youth of course ...but you're as young as you feel ...
.... and if the feedback thus far from Stitchers and the Watchers and Gongoozlers is anything to go by, the energy levels rival anything youngsters can offer.
And Youth is and will very much be involved long into the future. The Tapestry is all set to be a major educational resource as Bayeux in Bayeux and in Reading have amply shown, and the Quaker and D Day Tapestries too.
Would you like to see the Tapestry in your own community?
We're currently finalising the 2010 Schedule for the Tapestry's Tour in Scotland, but there are still some slots left, and even if it can't happen immediately we'll be touring again in 2011 without doubt. So if you'd like to see a local exhibition in your own community, be in touch.
Published Date: March 12th 2010