Cockenzie 'Studio' moved to Dunblane for the day ...
[T]TLC on the road, on the move and ahead of the snows ...
The Prestonpans Tapestry project seems to be 'blessed'. The first occasion on which Dorie Wilkie and Andrew Crummy [ + family photographer] took seriously to the road, to offer some [T]TLC in Dunblane, it merely rained. Two days later and they and 'their' project could have been two feet deep under the snows. However, the happy smiling faces below of the Dunblane Stitchers and their visitors suggest they're more than happy in their labours.
click to enlarge the photograph

Anyway, why would they not be happy?. Their first challenge has been to announce the Prince's Offer of £30,000 for the Elector of Hanover as a riposte to a similar offer for the Prince from that same Elector's fellow travellers a few days before. As history tells us, neither side ever had to pay up so Dunblane gets to keep the £30,000 then .... That would have been more than enough in 1745 to put a roof back on their cathedral would it not - which the panel depicting the Prince's visit to Balhaldie House will certainly not be showing .... historical accuracy is all!

Ed: [T]TLC translates as Tapestry TLC = Tender Loving Care
Published Date: February 28th 2010