Andrew Crummy's Tapestry Art ready for the Stitchers
By popular demand ....
Virtually every one of our Stitchers has asked two questions that are not directly about their skills and craft. The first is: "Can we see what the 'rest of us' are tackling?"; the second is: "Can we see the whole Tapestry when it is finished?" The answers are of course "Yes" and "Yes!
Thr first has already begun to leak across the website as more and more Stitchers share they progress at Thursday Workshops. But Gillian Hart has also been hard at work all the while, not only despatching and monitoring happenings here and there and everywhere, but with camera in hand. Some of the results, the coloured artwork that Andrew Crummy has created as the templates for each panel, are given below. It certainly helps us here at the website get a better feel for what the gestalt will look like ... and we trust it does the same for you!
you really must click on each image to enlarge and appreciate it!
Published Date: February 7th 2010