In the footsteps of Sir Walter Scott perhaps?
Praise be to the Duke & Duchess of Buccleuch and Queensberry
Students of literature will be well aware that the historical novel as a genre was reportedly 'invented' by Sir Walter Scott with his best selling Waverley which told much of the Battle of Prestonpans. And of course Scott was a visitor here in the Pans as a child and later as a family friend of the Cadells.
So it is a delight that the Duke and Duchess have announced their sponsorship of an annual £25,000 prize named after Scott for the best historical novel - details below. Here's hoping our own three modest contributions from Cuthill Press to that genre will make it to the 'long' list for the judges! Not only are they historical novels but they are in the best traditions of Scott and Waverley - they're very much about the Battle of Prestonpans. In case any reader has missed the trio of titles their jackets are shown below and they can be ordered on line at the Prestoungrange Boutique or from the Prestoungrange Gothenburg 01875 819922, priced £9.99 each post free in the UK.
click to enlarge details of the new prize


Published Date: February 3rd 2010