Prestonpans Tapestry now ready for 90 Embroiderers!
Calling All Embroiderers, please
There will be 90 [November 2009/ originally 79 in March!] art templates and the first 1000mm x 400mm embroidery samples have now been crafted by Andrew and Carmel Crummy for the Battle Trust.
The campaign to recruit embroiderers to assist this major piece of Scottish art, and to take the templates to each community depicted for 'sign off' via the BattleBus from July 2009 onwards, has now begun. The several activities are linked here below:
* How the Other Tapestry at Battle Tells the Story
* Blair Castle stakes its claim to a Tapestry panel
* Dunblane Panel added to record the Prince's stay September 11th at Balhaldie House
* Stitchers 'Pans Gang' now nearly Complete!
* Final Tapestry panels released at last for first stitchers ...
* Tapestry Story Boards Nearing Completion as 'Sign Offs' Continue ...
* Gladly Recruiting Embroiderers in Arisaig
* Getting Bonnie Prince Charlie's Story Stitched Up?
* Preparations for Eriskay and Borrodale
* Sign Off in Eriskay for the Prince's Strand
* What Salutation was given in Perth - and when?
* Pondering what might be at Borrodale House
* Stitchers gather at The Gothenburg in Prestonpans
* Reports from Trust Field Visits across the Highlands for Sign-Off and Stitcher Recruitment - once linked, scroll down page for report details
The Trust is delighted to announce the support of the East Lothian WI Rurals and contact is being made across Scotland to other such groups and within the Embroiderers Guild.
An Exhibition was arranged at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg throughout the Three Harbours Festival and again during the Home-Coming Clans' Fortnight there from July 18th / 31st.
A Working Group of all who have volunteered thus far has begun meeting regularly .... but ...
.... we still need volunteer embroiderers. All who can lend a hand in the work please contact Gillian Hart or Andrew Crummy on 01875 819922 or email here to
click on the Three Harbours Programme advertisement to enlarge

The leaflet guidance is also appended below. Click to enlarge and print out.
Link HERE for details of the volunteer stitchers for each of the panels and their progress they are making.
Guidance from the 'Convenor of All Stitchers' - Dorie Wilkie
Dorie Wilkie has created the Notes given below but if you need further advice she'll welcome a phone call @ 0131 663 0967 or you can reach Dorie by email @
click on Dorie's Notes to enlarge and print out
Published Date: March 30th 2009