Emily Carr steps forward at Chemainus
Chemainus was not only the exemplar Heritage Murals Town for the globe but also reached critical mass saturation with murals first. Each new work creates a diminishing marginal impact so to speak once the quantum reaches say 10 or 12, unless ... well, unless there's a WOW factor.
Murals towns around the world have addressed this challenge to sustaining their artistic/ tourist momentum in various ways providing good models for the laggards. The latest notion Chemainus are presenting is the representation of the artworks of the famous Victorian [i.e. as from Victoria BC] artist, Emily Carr. Whilst Emily was not a formal member of the 'Canadian Group of Seven' painting on the east coast in the first quarter of the 20th century, they greatly admired her own distinctive work and she theirs. Today, ahead of them all, since 2008 she has a University of Art and Design named after her in Vancouver.

Chemainus plans to create a portfolio of her works across its walls and Steffan Juenemann has been commissioned. His first work is nearing completion at year end 2008 as pictured below. It will be in the trompe l'oeil genre as the maquette depicted shows.
click to enlarge all images
... and in continuing pursuit of the WOW factor, August 1st 2009 has been proclaimed "All Things Emily Carr".
25th Anniversary Tribute Mural to The Chemainus Pioneer Volunteers including Dr Karl Schutz
On its 25th anniversary, Dan Sawatzky, who painted one of the very first artworks at Chemainus returned to create the 'still unofficial' mural shown below, depicting the early pioneering volunteers with Dr Karl Schutz centre - the man attributed with the originating idea thereabouts!

Published Date: January 14th 2009