Cowichan Knitwear and Artefacts
Knitting is already in hand for 2006
One of the important elements of the August 2006 Global Murals Conference is the Potlatch at its conclusion. And at that Potlatch as is customary some traditional gifts will be given away.
'Emily' is a senior First Nations craft specialist and has agreed to create Raven sweaters in the coming eighteen months for the occasion. She hopes to be able to join us all in Scotland at the time thus fulfilling a long held dream to visit Europe. She is seen below at work with the traditional colour wools and designs at Duncan, Vancouver Island in the heart of Cowichan country.
Click on images to enlarge
The story of Cowichan sweaters is told in full by Hill's Native Arts where Emily works in the tear sheet captured below.

Published Date: December 16th 2004