Merritt in Midwinter ... murals decorating the home of Canada's Country Music
It was an unexpected visit but good nonetheless!
Merritt, BC, is best known as the home of Canada's Country Music Festival but in recent years Michelle Loughery has been in residence to complement the Walk of Stars with murals depicting the greats who have performed there. It lies in the heart of the Rockies at the junction of the spectacular Coquihala Freeway and the north/ south Route 97 [both Canadian and US] with its industrial base in timber with lumber yards bordering the pavement.
Michelle Loughery once again, as in Vernon, has involved youth groups in her work and by the time of this winter stopover in 2008 there were more than 20 murals across town - a few of them looking quite ferral! The 'unexpected' visit was occasioned by difficult driving en route from Victoria BC to Edmonton Alberta just four days after revisting Chemainus. Who really cares to drive after dark on compacted snow at minus 30C even if Kamloops was the intended destination and the motel prepaid?
Camera at Work before early departure
There was time for a good tour before departure and the results are below -
click on all pictures to enlarge

Published Date: January 17th 2009