2009: The Year of The Homecoming - and Burns' 250th
Inviting Homecomers to The Pans
The Trustees of the Battle Trust are delighted that both their initiatives - in July 2009 [to coincide with The Gathering of The Clans in Edinburgh] and in September for the battle anniversary re-enactments - have been officially endorsed by The Homecoming - and are now listed at their websites. East Lothian Council is also providing £4,500 of support for these programmes from its Homecoming budget.
Plans are still being finalised but the two weeks July 18th / 31st will see a Living History Exhibition at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg and much more. The Glenbuckets are joining in with a re-enactment of the 1745 skirmish at Tranent Churchyard for visiting Camerons and BattleGaming is scheduled with Gordon Veitch and his team. Guided battlefield tours are available on request to the Prestonpans Experience team.
In September the 264th anniversary of the battle will see two days of re-enactments in Cuthill Park and across the town with the Alan Brecks, Glenbuckets, Lace Wars and Montgomeries.
All enquiries to Kristine Cunningham or Gillian Hart at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg - phone [+44] [0] 1875 819922 or by email to prestoungrange@aol.com or to waukin@battleofprestonpans1745.org
Our sister organisation, The Three Harbours Festival, is also taking part in The Homecoming Programme .... click on press cutting to enlarge
As well as the Battle Trust, Three Habours Festival has won backing for its SeaFood Fair and Burns' mother is being feted in her home town by Arts Festival colleagues Andrew Dallmeyer and Coreen Scott. Combined grants amount to £15,500 - see below:
P.S. Also good to see the Prestoungrange Arts Festival Burns Mural re-dedicated on The Bard's 250th Birthday in The Pans. Congratulations once again to Kate Hunter on her outstanding piece of artwork for the community.

Published Date: December 23rd 2008