McGonagall Strikes Again: November 26th @ The Goth from 7pm ...
Poet Laureate and Writers Universal Hereby Convene 2008's McGonagall 2 at The Gothenburg Tavern, Prestonpans on Wednesday November 26th from 7 pm ....

The poster below says it all, except this time it's Fishy [or at least oysters and fish tasting] whereas last time it was about the Fowler's Ales. If you came coevally with the last visit of the Minister of Culture Linda Fabiani MSP, giving the occasion her additional touch of class as she passed along, you'll know how educational and entertaining it all was. If you were not there, you'll no doubt have heard from others how educational and entertaining it all was.
But if your answers to the above are NO NO, then despair not. These links HEAR
.... HERE [that's two separate links by the way] take you to the Proceedings and the fine poetry that ensued so you can see just how educational and entertaining it all was.

To ensure your place at a poetic table with fellow muses, ideally you will phone the Goth to reserve it 01875 819922 [closed Mondays].... or just be there half an hour early to gain a secure spot!
click to enlarge our Laureate's poster and hang up where you can please

Published Date: November 12th 2008