The Force .. Third .. is indeed with us and the Battle Shall Be Won
Professional 'Volunteer' Press Coverage of the Campaign and Its Goals
We are delighted to report below the article that appeared this month in Third Force News. It circulates to a wide range of 'voluntary' organisations across Scotland, and the Battle Trust are official members of the 'Council' or SCVO.
click on all cuttings to enlarge


First Glimpses of Some of the Ideas for Interior Interpretation of the Battle as Living History ... as created by haleysharpedesign for The Trust
The pictures below are extracted from the Holyrood Parliament presentations on September 19th hosted by Iain Gray, our East Lothian MSP.

The full details of their 'Final' Report will be available at the website by early November, and will be input to the formal applications for major funding to be made later this year/ early 2009.
Published Date: October 14th 2008