VII. Redcoats Flee to Pittenweem from Morrison's Haven
Forth Yacht Club Sends Gongoozlers who Rescue at Least One Redcoat
History has it that a goodly crowd of gongoozlers from across the Forth came over in 1745 to 'watch' the battle - some scaling Preston Tower to get a fine view. As they returned to their boats, fleeing redcoats sought a trip across the Forth to escape captivity with the Highlander. One redcoat in particular is immortalised as removing his breeks and leaving them on the shore as he successfully waded out to catch such a boat heading for Pittenweem. Once safely in Pittenweem, even though they were Jacobite supporters, the Horsbrugh family there cared for the redcoat for several weeks before sending him on his way.
click on all pictures to enlarge
Having shared this history with Paul Shave, a Supporter and member of the Forth Yacht Club, they readily agreed to assemble a flotilla of some five yachts to come across. As the battle ended and the redcoats fled to the beach at Morrison's Haven two stood offshore and just one redcoat managed to sail away to safety - this time retaining his breeks!
The photographs throughout tell the story of the beach re-enactment which was a fitting end to the 2008 re-enactmenst - and our most sincere thanks to the Forth yachtsmen who joined us led by their Club's Chairman, Cairns Birrell.
Published Date: October 7th 2008