Lord Provost of Edinburgh 'Salutes' BattleBus in Festival Cavalcade
Campaign BattleBus as Harbinger for Battle of Pots 'n Pans at St Cuthbert's August 4th/ 10th for The Fringe
click to enlarge all the pictures

We 'think' that must have been Edinburgh's Lord Provost on the VIP platform above, perhaps with the Governor of the Castle? Regardless, we got a wave which was appreciated. It's certainly our Paraders in the two pictures below taken by friend and Supporter Garry Menzies as we pased along Princes Street.
The Campaign BattleBus had been entered in the Edinburgh Festival Cavalcade for Sunday August 3rd so that, working with the cast of The Battle of Pots 'n Pans on foot, promotional leaflets could be given out to attract the week's audiences at St Cuthbert's Church - August 4th/ 10th @ 7.30pm nightly. [It looks as though it worked because they are playing to nearly full houses so far!]
Forming up began for the 'driver' at 11.30 am and the Sun's Festival Calvalcade finally wound its way at 2.30pm to sign off by 4.30pm. It was a logistical challenge which those who understand the theory of oscillations in system dynamics will realise is insoluble if some floats float along and other 'floats' dance or drum their way along Princes Street. However, it was fun and the crowd exceeded 100,000 again this year ... and is all publicity good?
click on all images to enlarge
The best spot to view all 85 'floats' [ + the entire 3000+ cast from the Tattoo] in the Cavalcade .... was, as it turns out, [and for future reference] between 12.30 and 2.30pm on East Market and Jeffrey Streets being their form up area ... simply because with a couple of hours to spare the 'floats' entertained one another, non stop! As such the pictures below were mainly taken then but are none the less enjoyable!

Published Date: August 7th 2008