"Battle of ..." going great .."Pots & Pans" .. at The Fringe [until Sunday August 10th]
It's at St Cuthbert's until Sunday August 10th 7.30 pm nightly ..
Everyone in EH32 and across The Pans in particular will be delighted to know that Andrew Dallmeyer's play/ pageant on the Battle in 1745 is getting very considerable acclaim in Edinburgh at this year's Fringe. If you've not seen it yet, it is on until this Sunday at St Cuthbert's which is at the [Hilton/ old Caledonian Hotel] west end of Princes Streeet/ Park at 7.30pm.... just below the Castle looking magical in the evening sky ... [which The Prince never took ... but upon which he surely gazed ....]
click to enlarge these cuttings from the Edinburgh Evening News & The Scotsman and our pictures below

If you saw the original production in June 2007 at Prestoungrange Church, go again. This new production is somewhat longer at 85 minutes, more boisterous and adds the perspectives of young children who at first think a battle is going to be fun! The acting is as good as ever so too the Laverocks with Coreen Scott as their fine singer. Andrew Dallmeyer proudly narrates again.
It is certainly a thoughful historical piece absolutely in line with the goals of the Battle Trust which has sponsored its presentation throughout. Both sides share their personal anxieties about fighting in the battle and the rebellion's purposes. But such messages don't prevent plenty of fun and games or the battle itself with, yes, pots and pans as the weapons.
P.S. If attendance by Sunday is not on, there will be a final chance this year to see the production at the Prestonpans Community Centre on Thursday September 18th as part of the Battle Symposium and annual re-enactments. But why not take it in twice. It's certainly worth it and tickets are just £7/ concessions £5 either from the Fringe Box Office or at the door.

Published Date: August 6th 2008