Where Were You When 'It' Happended @ Culloden?
All Change at Culloden, but the Legacy Lives On
April 16th was, as visitors to Culloden are reminded, a significant turning point in Scottish, nay British, history. And this year in particular saw the Opening of the National Trust for Scotland's major new Visitor Centre and Exhibition that day which tells the story of aspirational Jacobitism and its terminal demise in 1746.
The new Centre is pictured below, designed deliberately to take nothing away from the bleak moor landscape on which the fateful battle was fought at a cost of more than 1000 Highlanders lives and some 300 and more Hanoverian Government soldiers.
A visit to Culloden is surely an absolute must for all, and its new Centre arrives well in time for the Year of the Homecoming, 2009, the 250th Anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns. The Burns' Centre at Alloway is yet another major challenging re-creation project that the National Trust has in hand.
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Published Date: May 6th 2008