Our 1745 Battle Heritage Less of a Lottery Now ... thanks to £50,000 'Your Heritage' Grant ...
Heritage Lottery Fund Supports the Battle Campaign with a 'Your Heritage' Grant
The Trustees are delighted to announce that the Heritage Lottery Fund has accepted their Proposal to invest a further £60,000 in the Battle Campaign. HLF is contributing £49,300 and other donors £10,700.
click on press cutting to enlarge

The first meeting to get the Project formally launched was held on April 3rd at The Gothenburg and BBC Radio 4 and The Edinburgh Evening News - see below, told the story nationwide.

With these funds the Trustees will undertake the first ever battlefield archaeological study with guidance from national expert Dr Tony Pollard from Glasgow University and County Archaeologist Biddy Simpson. It is the largest single project so far attempted by the Trustees and will involve community members as widely as possible. Co-ordination is by Kristine Cunningham, Executive Trustee.
The Trust will also convene the first of a series of biennial Symposia of all Battle stakeholders on September 18th and 19th 2008 led by Trustee Herbert Coutts; develop and implement Guide Training for future visiting groups led by Trustee Peter MacKenzie; and establish formal Battlefield Markers in agreement with Scottish Power who own much of the land on which battle was waged in 1745.
Biddy Simpson's County Archaeological Outreach goes Deeper at The Heritage Museum!
As the press report below indicates, an additional Lottery Grant this time to East Lothian Council is enabling Biddy Simpson to proceed yet further with the programme of research at Morrison's Haven.

Published Date: April 4th 2008