Hanging Seems Appropriate, but Why Can't We All Swing?
Oh no it isn't, Mr Sub-Editor!

This is of course the pantomime season so maybe slapstick doesn't go amiss but 'disappointment in the people of Cuthill' is not the point. The renaissance project cries out for leadership and the Friends are mandated to give just that. Since at Community Council insistence the Friends became their own Sub-Committee in August last year there have be no meetings until the abortive occasion sensationally reported below by the East Lothian Courier. One can be sure that Chairman Wattie Anderson was hoping to provoke a reaction and he surely shall!
Something has happened.
The Golf Classes for the youngsters are swinging as sponsored by the Arts Festival at The Royal Musselburgh which reports they are running successfully; and the long grass sort-of got cut once. But Councillor Willie Innes' 2007 promise to see it was cut regularly if no golf balls ended up in the Prestongrange Bowls Club has not yet been honoured - although after the last Community Council meeting Willie agreed to go away and see to it that it was now done regularly
Over in Haddington no doubt they are all hanging on the budget outcomes from the new coalition Cabinet of SNP & LibDems. Let's hope they don't renege on the promises the former Council Cabinet made in 2007 of £100,000 capex plus the Drains Contractors wall lowering.
We're All Swinging ...Murals Fest and Cow Painting Returns Again in June
The Murals Fest that Tom Ewing organised with 5 artists at the 2007 Three Harbours Festival also returns again in June 2008 - with a headline artist as well. And Tom is down to Tasmania in March competing in their Murals Fest at Sheffield and soaking up their experiences across five years pioneering the project.
And the cow herd, whose numbers grew in 2007 with the addition of a calf are joined this June by a bull. A real bull not the stuff the East Lothian Courier's sub-editor concocted last week!
The only serious knock back to the plans thus far agreed has been the HLF turndown of a £37,000 request last year from their National Parks Fund.
from The Arts Festival Directorate
Published Date: February 6th 2008