Communicating Community Opinions about Fowler's Auld HQ to All Who Care to Listen!
We're Trying Our Best!
The Arts Festival has lately received more than a few enquiries as to just how it has been communicating local Community Views and Opinions in its Save the Fowler's Auld HQ Campaign - over and above the 700 signatures on the Petition for a Community Right To Buy lately tabled with the Scottish Government.
This page gives below the major links to NewsNet stories since the Campaign began when Lidl placed the building on the market and invited tenders.
Fowler's Auld Gate Re-opens in Celebration at The Gothenburg. - One year after demolition the Auld Gate is restored and a Wee Heavie brewed to celebrate.
Burying bad news? Lidl at work on Christmas Day!. - an Application in Principle for 48 not 56 new flats formally publicised in the press on Christmas Day!
Public Services Ombudsman Backs Historic Scotland over Auld Fowler's HQ. - Ombudsman finds that Historic Scotland followed its own rules meticulously in arriving at the decision the local community abhors, so the rules need changing!
Community Council insists 'new' Eastern gateway must be 'good' - Outrage at the demolition of Auld Fowler's HQ has made the Community Council absolutely determined to see anything new at the site is very good indeed.
Was Auld Fowler's HQ Really and Icon and Historic? - Robert Down asks in his Letter to the East Lothian Courier and we offer our reply
The Democracy of the Bulldozer - The press report the community's outrage and the determination to see that what comes next is the very best for the community's hopes and ambitions for the future.
Health and Safety concerns including squatters and drug abusers led to speedy demolition, says Lidl - Really? Where's the Risk Assessment then?
Lidl Thought from Rubble Burns - a poetic thought might help the emotions ....
Making Auld Fowler's Proud - These pictures of devastation bring determination to win the war on three fronts for Auld Fowler's sake!
Captured on video - the Walls Come Tumbling Down! - Eric Robinson captures the demolishers in action and the Roll Call of Betrayers is recited ...>
So We Lost the Battle - Now for the Rest of the War - Nicholson's of Glasgow earn their thirty pieces of silver as the Auld Fowler's HQ is demolished April 24th 2009.
Jokers Wild in Haddington - a Warrant to Demolish the Auld Fowler's HQ was actually issued by ELC Officers in Haddington in June 2008 - but it's a secret so don't let on to the campaigners!
'New' Battle of Prestonpans Set to Commence - Lidl & George Wimpey all set to provide 'Scotland's Cheapest Flats' as they demolish Auld Fowler's HQ
Art Deco Design for new wing at Auld Fowler's + Marina + Prestonpans One Mile Promenade - Arts Festival Convenor Andrew Crummy sketches how the fine art deco bulding could be extended and become an even greater asset for the community.
Trip Down Memory Lane at Fowler's HQ and Auld Brewery - Sinclair MacLeod provides a photograph from his boyhood days in 1971 with a perfect view of the auld brewery and the building we are determined to save.
Scottish Ministers Abstain on Their Fowlers: Oh Dear! - Scottish Ministers decline to consider Community Right to Buy because .... so there's Another Appeal Coming Along .....
Scottish Ministers Get a Taste for Auld Fowlers - Community Right to Buy Application accepted by Scottish Ministers and passed to Lidl for comment
McGonagall Bad Poetry Addresses The Ruin of Auld Fowler's HQ - 25 pieces of bad poetry created under the influence of MacGonagall
Scotland's Sunday Express Takes our Petition at Holyrood Parliament to a wider readership - an excellent report on the issues surrounding the campaign!
Oor Auntie Gena Takes 1st Prize for Worst Poetry at McGonagall Supper - even though her family got the wrong end of the tale or maybe because!
Julia Takes the Prize and Echoes Our Hopes - Youngsters designs for Auld Fowler's Future and Next Stop the Public Services Ombudsman.
Arts Festival Petition online @ Holyrood - Supporters of Auld Fowler's Listing Campaign asked to join petition at Scottish Parliament.
Historic Scotland replies to Arts Festival's complaint of unfair process - But still declines to advance 'local' reasons for significance
The Strange Case of the Minister and her advisers .. - How the Minister of Culture answered Iain Gray MSP Questions at Holyrood.
Fowler's Friends to the East and to The West .. - letters addressed by Culture Minister Linda Fabiani MSP and East Lothian Council Leader David Berry to the Campaign.
Community Council Gives its Absolute Support to Retaining the Old Fowler's HQ - Community Council Meeting reinforces the town's view in a letter to Lidl and the Arts Festival launches its own design competition!
Another Porkie from Lidl ... Let's Get Positive - Lidl contradicts its warranted cost of remediation of the mining subsidence at the site
What ThisisG2 Should Not Do in Prestonpans
Lidl Shows Signs of Amnesia and Worries Us All - Lidl's Consent to build its store was based on Design Principles and Solution that quite deliberately and specifically included the retention of the Old Fowler's HQ
Lidl Boycott Readies for Launch in the New Year
Fowler's First Round this Christmas
Lidl's Plans to Demolish Fowler's Old HQ and Build 56 Flats - Lidl throws down the gauntlet!
Fowler's Auld HQ Campaign nearing Climax
Lidl Bottles Out with a No-Show

Red Letter Day and Time for Auld Fowler's HQ
East Lothian Council Firmly in Support of Campaign to LIST Coeval Building
Fowler's Auld HQ now a Focus for Community Right to Buy
Quiet and Polite Protest - no need to be Defiant!
Historic Scotland's Chance to make a bit of History itself
Too Lidl Too Late - Painting the Coeval Building

Neo-Art Deco in The Pans - Please Handle with Care - this link gives excellent pictures of the interior of the building
Dear Lidl: Please Think Again
The link below is where the tale first began - with an Offer to Buy to Lidl from the Arts Festival and to remediate the mining subsidence at its own expense against a then warranted cost from Lidl of less than £40,000
Arts Festival Sets its Sights on Old Fowler's HQ

Published Date: January 3rd 2008