Lidl Boycott Readies for Launch in New Year across Scotland
The 'strictly peaceable' Boycott Lidl Campaign across Scotland is almost ready for launch in the New Year. Lidl have been advised and asked politely to abandon their plans to demolish the old Fowler's HQ which is against the overwhelmingly expressed wishes of the community in The Pans. Their response is now awaited. Meanwhile, formal Objections have flooded into Haddington against Lidl's plan to demolish and build 56 affordable homes under Ref: 07/01142/FUL from This is G2/ Lidl UK GMBH
Peter Collins, Director of Environment in the county, has begun sending out acknowledgments to Objectors although for some reason feels no duty to the electorate to respond to any individual points raised. Instead, he affirms that all representations will be addressed by the Council's Planning Committee in due course when the Council's Officers present their own report to that Committee.
Boycotters' Manifesto drafted
The boycott now being organised from Prestonpans is intended to persuade Lidl to listen to and respect the very strongly held local opinions that they should not demolish the old Fowler’s HQ building here in town.
They have been made aware of the oft repeated views of: East Lothian Council in favour of Listing, Iain Gray MSP for East Lothian, Prestonpans Community Council, the Prestoungrange Arts Festival, Fowler’s Ales and 10% of the voting population via our Community Right to Buy application just submitted to the Scottish Government. Lidl have sidelined our ‘fair commercial offer’ to sell to the Arts Festival with Fowler’s Ales so we can restore it to its former glory as the last remaining premises in town that honours Prestonpans industrial history. Instead they have tabled plans to demolish the premises to build 56 new affordable flats.
The reason for such local unanimity in opposition to demolition takes as its fundamental rationale that it is our ‘last’ industrial premises remaining and can and should be retained as a locus and focus for the town’s already growing reputation for attracting visitors. All earlier buildings have been lost to property development over the past 40 years. This last one must survive. But the reasoning goes much further.
The neo-art deco styling of the building is wholly unique in the locality and can readily be restored despite vandalism perpetrated in the past 18 months on Lidl's watch. The local arts community has ‘volunteered’ to a man to assist in that process as they earlier demonstrated at the town’s Listed ‘arts and crafts’ Gothenburg in 2004 winning countless awards in the process. The opportunity for the renaissant CAMRA award winning Fowler’s Ales to return to the brand’s original home is also available – a brand that has been Famous since the ’45 with the Jacobite victory at Prestonpans in that year once again being celebrated annually.
Finally many will know that the entire foundation of the Arts Festival’s programme since 1998 has been to protect and present the town’s fine industrial history through the arts. Much nationally and internationally acknowledged success has been achieved - most recently the Prestonpans Pottery Exhibition much of which will be able to find a home in the restored building. The old Fowler's HQ is an iconic building whose restoration and continuing sustainable use will advance the programme magnificently.
Of course affordable housing is desirable. But not at any social price in any and every location. Major development is already taking place in Prestonpans currently adding 1000 new homes and Blindwells designated new town offers another 3000+ in the coming decade close by. Both afford more than ample opportunities for affordable housing locally.
click on press cutting to enlarge

P.S. Lidl has been in difficulties in the past with Unions re their working conditions across Europe.
from the Arts Directorate of the Prestoungrange Arts Festival and Fowler's Ales.
Published Date: December 28th 2007