Expect Really Bad Poetry and More for Scotland's Culture Minister in July
How Bad Can it Get?
There will be ectoplasmic euphoria as the ghost of William Topaz MacGonagall, Scotland’s Ither National Bard, comes to haunt The Prestoungrange Gothenburg Tavern on 23 July, where he will add the title Ither Laureate to Prestoungrange to his existing honours of Poet and Tragedian, Knight of the White Elephant Burma, Poet by Appointment of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and Poet Laureate of the Tay Bridge.
The Bard will make a declamation in honour of The Prestoungrange Gothenburg’s 100th anniversary in the presence of Scotland's Minister of Culture Linda Fabiani MSP, no doubt extolling the virtues of temperance. He will further make a tribute to the eponymous Wreck of the Topaz, that venerable sailing craft which came to grief and its final resting place in Morrison’s Haven early last century.
A feature of this eagerly anticipated materialization will be the handing out of autographed facsimiles of the scroll from which he will recite his poetic gem on the Topaz. In the nature of things it’s not exactly known when or for how long the apparition will appear but it is certain that it will not go away until receiving 15 shillings appearance money, plus first class rail return from Dundee.
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Backwards Supper will be Available from 6.30pm
A MacGonagall Supper with dessert taken first followed by a main meal then starter will be served from 6.30 pm with 5 Student MacGonagall Scholarship Meals Awards for Bad Poetry to be won by GothMembers.
Published Date: April 7th 2008