Multi-party Support for What Next at Cuthill Park
Willie Innes has supported it for at least three years, Peter MacKenzie backed it publicly just before the May elections, and Stuart Currie is now quite specific in support as well ...
.... so, despite the knockback elegantly captioned in the East Lothian Courier as Kicked into the Long Grass from the Heritage Lottery Fund for its campaign to restore Cuthill Park, it's clear this project is going to happen. It has all political parties in support at Haddington and in the Community Council.
click on all cuttings to enlarge

All eyes are on the Friends of Cuthill Park under Chairman Wattie Anderson as he calls the many many Friends together again who joined voluntarily to make the Lottery application.
Nobody is going to take No for any sort of answer on this project in Cuthill. There is internal Council capex funding earmarked, the new housings' drain providers along Prestongrange Road have agreed to contribute to wall lowering as a token of thanks [is that a planning gain?] for the year long toleration of traffic disruption, and the Arts Festival is determined to stage its Annual Murals Fest there each year as it began last year.
Cutting the grass is not even an issue; that's easily solved. As for the HLF, they changed their mind half way through the process! But there's no point in trying to convince them that their definition under Parks for People as only including parks that are a 'predominantly designed landscape' is monstrously unfair to The Almighty whose own efforts at design are marvelled at and protected by most of us. That earmarked fund has now been closed.

Arts Festival Directorate
Published Date: October 16th 2007