Pans Fringe comes to town – La Zapatera Prodigiosa
Another first for the Goth and the Prestoungrange Arts Festival – 2 plays from the Edinburgh Fringe managed to break away from the hustle and bustle of the bright lights big city programme to perform here at the Goth.
Thursday 12 August seen LORCA - La Zapatera Prodigiosa performed in The Thomas Nelson Suite to a sell out audience. Due to the nature of the play, set in Spain, performed in Spanish, we thought that it only fitting to evolve the Spanish theme further, so we included a fantastic spread of Tapas and Sangria. We even managed a Spanish climate, with temperatures inside reminiscant of those experienced in the height of the Spanish Summer.
This play was directed by Laurence Hooper and produced by Charlie Lass and Rachel Irwin: “An all–female production with live Spanish guitar, this show is an experimental take on this play, and strips it down to its essential elements. By discarding the baggage of naturalism we hope to foreground the raw emotion and symbolism of Lorca’s drama that make La Zapatera Prodigiosa both entertaining and relevant seventy years after it was written.”
Despite the heat or perhaps becuase of it, the play was enjoyed by all who attended.
Click on all images to enlarge
This play was sponsored by The Prestoungrange Arts Festival
Published Date: August 12th 2004