Jako Bites the Cherry? News sub routed in Edinburgh evening?
All Publicity is Good Publicity!
Gemma Fraser at the Edinburgh Evening News did a goodly announcement of our forthcoming cameo re-enactments cut and pasted below - and we are of course grateful. But her sub-editors were having a tough day when they chose the headline about Jako-bites Cherry?
More was to follow. For those who use Google Alert with the keyword 'Prestonpans' will have seen the Readers' Comments that the piece occasioned. It mainly focused on Gemma's description of the supporters of the Hanoverian monarchy that replaced the Stuarts after the death of Queen Anne [under the Act of Settlement of course] as being 'George II's Hanoverian Army'. In fact the 'Hanoverian Army' per se was in, well, Hanover of course doing its duty for the King of England, Scotland and Ireland in his 'other titular office' as Elector of Hanover. The troops on the ground in Scotland unsuccessfully defending that King's cause at Prestonpans against the Prince's Highlanders were Regiments, including Highlanders, who had been recruited and enlisted and paid by the government appointed by George II. They were mostly English and Scots.
This online exchange has highlighted an important historical issue for the Trustees: whilst everyone is content to call the Prince's Highlanders The Jacobites there is no agreement about whether to call the untrained army led by General Sir John Cope Hanoverians, redcoats or Westminster / Government soldiers, although more than a few have determined positions they uphold. Others wonder if it really matters as long as we all know it was the 'other side' in the fight even though we know considerable numbers characterised by Alan Breck changed sides just before or just after Prestonpans.
click on Gemma Fraser's article to enlarge

Published Date: September 12th 2007