Public Art in France Continues to Amaze..... and Inspire
France Says Art with Flowers and Concrete, Murals and Street Signs - even 'Les Aire-Toilettes' & Royan Beach Huts .... will we ever learn?
There are, as all who take the Channel Tunnel as opposed to EasyJet or the Irish fellah know full well, far greater differences between France and 'South Britain' than cafe-cognac and croissants. There's public art in abundance for instance. The Mairies look as though power never left the local communities so many 'say' they wish to return it to in Gordon Brown's South and North Britain alike whilst our own normally stand neglected since 1974. [Take a peek at Prestonpans Town Hall sometime created with such pride in the late 19th century.]
The selection shown here was photographed this sumnmer en route to Twin-Barga and back; it illustrates just something of what can be achieved - starting with a 'totem pole', and concrete art along the main highway ...

Be absolutely certain to click on all thumbnail images below to see the true beauty of France's public art
Angouleme is not only the comics town - it has begun a fine murals programme as well
The view the young girl gazes at can be seen in the next imagery below - across the river valley. And then the flowers - everywhere. Time to emulate Port Seton and Cockenzie much more widely perhaps? Just see the fun the youngsters have changing the floral date each day!
Published Date: September 8th 2007