'Gothenburg' Celebrated at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg
We honoured a promise made to the Lord Mayor of Goteborg on July 23rd 2003 ... "that as soon as the restoration was completed, each and every year July 23rd would be celebrated as Gothenburg Day. On that day the contribution of the Gothenburg Principles as an inspiration for a great social enterprise shared throughout Scotland in 1908 would be remembered, as would our comprehensive contemporary commitment to the Prestonpans Charity which is the Prestoungrange Arts Festival.
The finishing touches had barely been put to The Prestoungrange Gothenburg but the Swedish Consul in Edinburgh pledged his support and invited Swedes from the city to visit the Pans - where we gladly welcomed them. Fiscal Depute and Baron Sergeand joined Lady Prestoungrange for the occasion also.
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The Head Brewer was as ever responsive and created a fine Gothenburg Porter in the tradition of Sweden's own Carnegie Porter. He hung his besom joined by the Baron of Prestoungrange from the balcony at 11 am with the City of Goteborg flag gifted in 2003 by the Lord Mayor, Jorgen Linder, fluttering in the breeze. The quite excellent brew was wholly dispensed before closing time.
Head Chef Andrew Laurie was on hand to provide a Swedish feast throughout the day ... and the Gothenburg Day tradition was firmly launched and embedded for the future in the capable hands of the Montjoye, Adele Conn.
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As the sun set over the Forth it was readily agreed that the staff should reward themselves off duty in far off Indian territory.
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Published Date: July 23rd 2004