East Lothian's Lord Lieutenant Makes the Day! Episode 4 - June 19th
Barons owe their feudal loyalty and their duty to their Sovereign, and who better then than Her Majesty's Representative in East Lothian, Garth Morrison CBE, Her Lord Lieutenant, to put the icing on the cake at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. And so he did, a Morrison of the Clan that held the Baronies in the 17th and 18th centuries after the Kerrs. Wearing the tartan he unveiled the fine new brick sculpture and mosaic mural by local sculptor Gardener Malloy immediately outside the new Main Entrance.
Gardner Malloy's work has three main components. Firstly he used reclaimed window sills as the Thomas Nelson Suite was being constructed as the base for redressed stone work into which he carved our name PRESTOUNGRANGE GOTHENBURG and the dates 1908 and 2004.
Secondly he used reclaimed bricks from the interior walls of The Prestoungrange Gothenburg which had been discarded as reconstruction progressed to set off the carved stone both above and below, and most particularly showing above just where they had been fired in 1908 - at The Prestongrange Brickworks of course.
Thirdly, with many friends he gathered pottery shards, coal elements and glass fragments from the foreshores of Prestonpans to create a fine mosaic that presents the Prestoungrange Arts Festival Badge.
The Lord Lieutenant pulled aside the flags of the two Barons and the third of the City of Goteborg, as presented in July 2003 by that City's Lord Mayor when he visited The Gothenburg. The outstandingly excellent art of Gardner Malloy was revealed to everyone's delight.
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Published Date: June 19th 2004