June Lake Saw The Difference 18 Years Makes: Episode 3
June Lake is no stranger to The Prestoungrange Gothenburg, having ensured it opened well in 1986 when Tennent Caledonian were responsible for its management. At that time she was modelling for Tennent's Lager and appearing on its cans! And she posed for a photoshoot outwith the north east door of The Prestoungrange Gothenburg with key staff and community leaders at that time.

At the time of her fame as a Lager Lady, the modelling pictures were all Tennent Caledonian as can seen here below; but also she obligingly modelled with her original can again for us in the James Fewell Bar on June 19th this time as an expectant mother too.
On June 19th she appeared with Anne Taylor [left] being the Prestoungrange Gothenburg's CEO, Annemarie Allan Convenor of the Literary Action Group [right], and the Baron of Prestoungrange. And she chatted with her preceding 11 am celebrity Lorne [Thomas] Nelson in the Lord Mayor's Bar. And downstairs again in the James Fewell Bar she was more than willing to try the Fowler's Prestonpans 75/- Ale.
Click on all pictures to enlarge
Unveiling Wei Luan's Cat Fight Mural
However the enduring purpose of June Lake's visit was not just a trip down Memory Lane. The Prestoungrange Arts Festival had acquired one of Wei Luan's excellent murals, The Cat Fight at the 2003 Murals Symposium in Lindsay California and shipped it across the ocean to hang on the wall in the Entrance Vestibule. June Lake had kindly agreed to unveil it, and this she did with grace and style as shown below:
Published Date: June 19th 2004