'New' Cuthill Action Group Formed and Forging Ahead ..
Wattie Anderson Takes The Chair
At the conclusion of the Friends of Cuthill Park's 4th and Final Consultation at the Prestongrange Bowling Club on June 4th, Councillor Willie Innes in the presence of fellow Preston/ Seton/ Gosford Councillors Stuart Currie and Peter MacKenzie, and of Jimmy Yule, Prestonpans Community Council Chairman, formally proposed that a 'new dedicated team to get Cuthill Park back into the life of the community' should be formed. And it duly was, the Action Group thereupon disbanding itself - and wishing the 'new' team every success.
Two of the original Action Group's five members, Tom Ewing and Jim Forster, are on the new team. Others elected were incoming Chairman, Wattie Anderson, Alexandra Czech, Secretary, Alex Park, Jan Holden, Joseph Scott and Selina Czech.
Although Maree Johnson, East Lothian Council's Manager for Landscape and Countryside is away on vacation in the period to the June 30th deadline, the Friends of Cuthill Park were able to make the services of their colleague Darren Barker available to complete the initial Pre-Programe Application paperwork. And the Friends had already been in touch with Colin Maclean at HLF so that initial discussions could proceed immediately.
click on press cutting to enlarge

Published Date: June 14th 2007