Word Sunday ... June 3rd ... is a surprise then ...
Prestonpans Latest Author's Book Signing a Highlight for Word Sunday ...
Word Sunday looks and sounds potentially, well... wordy! There are authors galore meeting and talking and sharing from 11 am till 4 pm on June 3rd at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. The full day's programme is below. If you want to share your own writings or listen and learn from others who have made their way into print, it will be a great occasion.
It's a different artform of course from the mural paintings and art classes we are so well familiar with in the Prestoungrange Arts Festival these past 7 years but none the worse for that. The Arts Festival now has a very robust music programme every weekend at The Goth as well as the Annual Music and Ale Festival on June 2nd at Meadowmill - with The Levellers as top spot, and the Pipes and Drums. There is also regular theatre with newly written plays from the resident Meanwhile Players.

Just as Mary Contini was a-signing her book at the reopening of the Carnegie Library earlier in the year, so Mary Turner will be signing her newest title, Thee Sons, from 3.30 - 4 pm or as long as it takes! There's a great highlight for us all. It's a tale of The Pans and our miners of yesteryear.
The full day's schedule is as follows:
12.00- 12.30 Anne Marie Allan, John Lindsay and Dr Gordon Prestoungrange, talk of Prestoungrange University Press and its local history publications and of their other writings.
Since 1997 Prestoungrange University Press, initially under Jane Bonnar's and then Annemarie Allan's editorial leadership, has published more than 250,000 words on the history of The Pans and its industries as published by end 2006 + the Murals' book. The Poet Laureate John Lindsay has crafted verse for all the major events since 2000 and Roy Pugh has written the Prestonpans Witches' Trilogy of plays for each Hallowe'en. Now with Andrew Dallmeyer in the lead, further theatre and pageantry is in hand for the story of the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 and the 'living history' it can engender with new poetry, songs, paintings and of course theatre. [http://www.prestoungrange.org/prestoungrange/html/press/university_press.htm]
12.30 - 1.00 Joanna Mawdsley (Arts Officer for East Lothian Council) will launch The Book of Poetry completed by schoolchildren during the Model Boats/Paper Boat Storytelling Schools Project with Ron Butlin.
1.00 - 2.00 'Hammis McHaggis' written by Linda Strachan/illustrated by Sally J Collins.
The Adventures of Hamish McHaggis and the endearing story of Greyfriars Bobby - come and meet Hamish McHaggis and friends and see their new Activity and Story Book with fun for all the family. Author Linda Strachan will read from the books. Illustrator Sally J. Collins will show you how to draw some of the characters.
2.00 - 3.30 The Tyne and Esk Writers Group including Debbie Miller (writer in residence),Colin Will/Stanza, Prestonpans Library Writers Group and Port Seton Writers Group.
Presenting WINDWORDS Poetry & Prose to celebrate the 3 Harbours Arts Festival. Please join them for a live celebration of the written word. łThe Ships are coming!˛
With Debbie Miller, writers in residence, Colin Will, Prestonpans Library Writers Group and Port Seton Library Writers Group.
3.30 - 4.00 Local Author Mary Turner, will as reported above be signing of her new book Three Sons. From a review on Amazon:
"I had never heard of this author but coming from the area (Prestonpans)the cover of the old coal mine made me buy. I'm so glad I did. From front to back this was an enthralling journey with the main character and a step back
in time. I read it in one sitting. If this is Ms Turner's first book I will certainly be looking out for her second."
Published Date: May 21st 2007