The 'New' Prestoungrange Ceiling at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg
As announced in the 2004 Spring Issue of Brushstrokes # 7 Andrew Crummy has been at work creating the 'new' Prestoungrange Ceiling in the James Fewell Bar at The Gothenburg. He has stayed with the style used in 1581 at Prestongrange House for Mark Kerr, the 1st Baron whose descendants later became Earl then Marquis of Lothian.
Click to enlarge the pictures
The images he has painted are a blend of 1581 and 2004. The representations include [above here] that original Baron as well as today's 14th with his wife Avril, Lady of Prestoungrange. Bill Robertson as head of the building restoration team is also to be seen [below], as are the Dempster and Fowler's Head Brewer whilst Jim Forster of Historical Society fame in the Pans offers his customary pose and profile armed with garden rake. The Baron Sergeand, Montjoy, Head Scibbler, interior designer, restoration decorator... and others.. all are also depicted on the 'new' ceiling for those who look with care!
The 'new' Prestoungrange Ceiling is now virtually completed with just Pat O'Brien and David Spence to be added before May 8th which will see the formal re-opening of the James Fewell Bar + the First Brew, a Celebrewty Brew, on sale from the microbrewery under the Fowler's name. It's not quite the old receipe but Iain Turnbull, the Head Brewer, is totally convinced we will all welcome and enjoy it. And so we shall.
Make a diary note: May 8th it is.
Published Date: April 5th 2004