Bill Robertson's Team Get Cracking!
Planning and Listed Building Consents to restore and extend The Prestoungrange Gothenburg ironically requested November 5th 2002 finally arrived on January 22nd and February 3rd 2004 respectively. And Bill Robertson's team were immediately at work. They are shown below here working on the extension to the south west and south east of the original building.
The southwest corner is rising to two floors, the second sitting above what has now become the Fowler's Ales microbrewery. The new floor upstairs is to become the Thomas Nelson Suite with 100+ capacity for no end of functions in the years ahead. It will be served by a new public lift to the upper floor level and by a servery lift from the new kitchens also below. The original staircase remains and is extended which together will act as a gallery for the permanent large paintings in the Arts Festival Collection by Janice McNab and Michael McVeigh.
To the southeast the new building work is single story and houses the kitchens, lavatories and a wholly new Entrance vestibule to all facilities from Redburn Road.
Click on the images below to enlarge them

Microclimate and Garden Sculpture Promised
Jim Forster [late of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh and Horticulturalist to the Baron Courts] is reportedly content as he views his new high walled south west corner of the gardens at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. Might be a pile of rubble today but together with the emergent progressive sculpture by William Robertson Blue Hose with Daffodils and Barrel it looks like becoming as big an attraction as the James Fewell Bar's new Prestoungrange Ceiling and the microbrewery!

Published Date: February 29th 2004