Fowler's Ales Getting Ever Nearer ... and More!
George Thompson's installation of the new Fowler's real ales microbrewery at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg is nearing completion. Major plans are in hand for BrewSets of real ale aficionados to help in the months ahead with those achieving high level skills earning the accolade of Fellow or Companions - and the automatic right to a space at poseur tables in the James Fewell Bar!
For now, just the good news from the promising view to be seen. Looking into the microbrewery once completed will at all times be possible via two major picture windows.
Iain Turnbull is on his way back from Nigeria after several earlier years at Fisherrow Brewery in Musselburgh to take up post as Head Brewer for the new Fowler's Ales (Prestoungrange) early in April.
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..and Fewell Bar Artistry as well
Two painters, Andrew Crummy at work on his re-creation of a Prestongrange 1581-style grotesque ceiling in the James Fewell Bar, and Bill who does the conventional painting captured thereon for the next five centuries perhaps!
And an excellent image of Jim Forster, who chairs the Prestonpans Historical Society, is also suspended in time next to some of Robert Atherton's restored stained glass.
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Published Date: March 6th 2004