Barry's Head Returns and the Toys are on Parade
It was nearly a year ago that Prestoungrange and Lady Prestoungrange visited Kati Kati so it was scarcely surprising that mural and arts affairs have moved ahead. Hans Maurer, IMCA Head in New Zealand and NZ Adviser to Burke's Peerage and Landed Gentry, made the arrangements and joined the photo call.
First stop was the Ken and Nancy's Heritage Museum for yet more coffee then down to the town centre for coffee with the Murals Chairman, Bruce Warden. He gave fullest details of the restoration of Barry's head and Hans took place of honour next to him and read his daily newspaper over his shoulder.
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The second big story was the arrival of Sylvia Weber's tapestry from France depicting Western Bay ( as foretold on December 9th 2002 ).
But the big new mural story is almost finished too. Its another one for the children (and the young at heart). Kati Kati has already pioneered paintings with and for children which we have emulated at Prestoungrange of course. The new work is called Toy Parade and depicts toys across the generations and cultures that have come to Kati Kati. It is brilliantly located on a cut through alley to off street parking. Hans again figures in the scene.
Both Nancy and Bruce made contact with the local press editors so that the message of Bowen 2005 and Prestoungrange 2006 could be spread far and wide. And the carrier bags and the programme outlines and the Bowen Schedule were left in ample quantity for the next Committee Meeting Bruce will chair. There was also a thought from Hans that since his AgriProduce Centre has several clients in town there might be scope for their greater participation. Watch this space ...
What the press had to say at KatiKati!
The KatiKati Advertisers reported on the town Murals Leadership in New Zealand on October 28th. The same issue registered the captive of old songs from early letters on the boat coming out.
Click on image to enlarge
KatiKati Advertiser, Tuesday, October 28 2003

Waihi and Martha Mine
On our last visit we passed through the home of Lemon Paeroa. This time we paused in Waihi to see the great hole created at Martha Mine by massive gold and silver mining. Another stopping point with excellent tourism information available.
Click on images to enlarge
Published Date: October 22nd 2003