Tennent Lager Ladies 1986
The last time the Prestoungrange Gothenburg was restored in 1986 it was owned by Tennent Caledonian and June Lake was the Guest of Honour. She is pictured here below with local dignitaries including the present Provost, Pat O'Brien, outside the north east door.

Not so well known is that that was the year Tennent's lager was featuring its Lager Ladies month by month on its cans. A selection is in the possession of the Arts Festival team but June's canned apparition is not amongst them.
The Arts Festival and the Prestoungrange Gothenburg are both keen to trace June Lake. We also want her canned picture as well if at all possible. When she is traced we want her to join us as Guest of Honour once again at the reopening in 2004. So any and all help that can be provided, please be in touch with Anne Taylor or Jim Forster at The Goth ... phone 01875 819922, or just walk in and shout Eureka!

Published Date: October 2nd 2003