PL 'Woodenly' Explores Rhythm of Life ...
Arts Festival Charity Again Sponsors PL's Cross-curricula Project...
The Prestoungrange Arts Festival's decision to support Vera Hoban and colleagues at PL in their cross-curricula project for 2006/ 2007 was as straightforward as it ever gets. Not only was this current year's focus, The Rhythm of Life, almost certainly going to be a winner but the 2005/ 2006 project has shown only too well what could be achieved with its focus on things Japanese.
First fruits for rhythm in life are reported below from last month's local press, but the major outcomes will be at PL itself of course and down at The Prestoungrage Gothenburg May/ June.
click on all press cutting to enlarge

P.S. and Aaron and Matthew's work above is not the only.....
..wood carving that has been going on apace in East Lothian under Joanna Mawdsley's leadership and Susheila Jamieson's skilled guidance since the Prestoungrange Totem Pole made its 32' appearance on August 14th 2006 at The Global Murals Conference. Three further totem poles have now appeared in Ormiston. And 'Yes', the Prestoungrange Arts Festival's own second red cedar log from Chemainus is getting ready for the wood carvers' chisels and adses under Tom Ewing's leadership with help again from Kenny Grieve in the months ahead.

Published Date: April 9th 2007