Battle Trust Memory Lane [43]: Action before the two Towers come down at Greenhills
Johnnie Cope's redcoats say they'll never give up, but if they insist on running away they'll certainly have to fight another day!

2015 saw one of the largest assembly of re-enactors yet here in The Pans. The Town Parade on Friday night, 18th, and the Riggonhead Defile March at 5am Saturday, 19th, were the biggest yet. And Cope had a small weekend victory when he caught all the Highland ladies unaware and delivered a stern warning about the capital crime of consorting with and protecting traitorous rebels! The Highlanders themselves were seemingly out practising their Charge!
But first the gunners from HMS Fox, then the dragoons with the colours and then Cope himself fled, leaving the hapless infantry to face the inevitable Charge....not just once but twice at 3.30 pm on both Saturday and Sunday, 19th and 20th.
Andrew Hillhouse [Battle Trust Official Artist] and Sharon Dabell [our own novelist] were both with us for the day, an Sharon Beck [striped blue/ white] was Grand Marshall.
Cope captured the Highland camp followers whilst the youngsters enjoyed it all.
A selection of photographs from the Riggonhead March at dawn to that final denouement and of the excellent encampments shares some of the excitement.
Three generations of the Barons of Prestoungrange were there for the Riggonhead Defile March - Mathew, Gordon and Lorna and a wreath was laid at the Cairn on Sepember 21st
The Prince rode a fine white horse and at the end of the day, all honoured the fallen in 1745.

.... and Tom Ewing was at work with a new painting for the Murals trail whilst a sole dragoon galloped by ...

Published Date: July 24th 2020