Battle Trust Memory Lane [37]: Campaigning to Save Greehills for community
We always suspected that, coming straight after the Referendum, 2014's re-enactment would be different. And we were not disappointed
The most obvious difference we got was the presence on our pre-booked Greenhills field of play of a Fun Fair. Its contemporary accompanying musak and [perhaps symbolic?] merry go rounds fought for the attention of visitors throughout Saturday and Sunday. The weekend had begun in the haar but it was quickly dispelled [perhaps symbolic?] as the sun blazed down ....
... but the merry go rounds weren't in our faces either day. They certainly weren't the substantive issue on our agenda. We were determined that our re-enactments would be as grand and enjoyable as ever and that, 269 years on to the day, all concerned would know we have a 21st century Battle of Prestonpans on our hands as well!

Our contemporary adversaries [just like Cope] are the establishment forces, this time around in the vanguard stands Historic Scotland, failed guardian of our heritage hereabouts, with the 'overwhelming' support of East Lothian Council's Planning Committee fighting not for a Hanoverian dynasty but for [Inch] Cape Offshore Energy.

Friends aplenty from the Coastal Regeneration Alliance gave a magnificent show of support for the Battle Trust on Sunday straight after the charging finale of the re-enactments. Hundreds held hands in solidarity and sang Auld Lang Syne together led by the 1745 Battle Trust's own baritone Chairman Gareth Bryn-Jones. [Seen above from CRA's own friendly drone, spelling out the slogan Keep Our Coast.]
The message is quite simple: Don't build on what still remains intact today of the 1745 battlefield.

Published Date: July 18th 2020