Prestoungrange Gothenburg re-opens July 15th ... Welcome again ....

We are in the middle of putting measures in place to open next week on the 15th.
Following Scottish Government guidelines the measures are as follows:
1 - We will become a 1m socially distance zone and signs will be in place to show this.
2 - All drinks will be ordered from the bar and customers will be asked to sit down immediately. No standing at the bar allowed.
3 - Hand sanitising will be mandatory throughout and will be available at entrance, bar area, toilet and exit.
4 - We are implementing a one way in and one way out system. Entry through the main bar and exit at the side door.
5 - For food it is booking only on 01875 898200 or by PMing us- if you would like to book a table for drinks please call us to discuss -not always necessary
Our bistro opens on Friday 17th and not Wednesday 15th.
Our staff have been trained and are working really hard to get it rolling!
Published Date: July 9th 2020