Battle Trust Memory Lane [4]: Still Walking 2010 with Andrew Hillhouse too
Largest Party Yet Walk the Walk
2010 saw the largest ever early morning posse tackle the length of the Riggonhead Defile at 5 am. [Essentially it's Tranent/ Seton Collegiate passing through the Riggonhead Tunnel beneath the A1.] More than 60 Battle re-enactors and 'assorted baggage' as Colonel Adam Watters so fondly dubs the rest of us, were at the Tranent Co-op car park at 4.45 am to receive pre-march sustenance from Andrew Laurie and Carol Black of The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. They'd been up since midnight preparing the delicious Scotch eggs and firing up the Orange Prestonpans Ales van to be there too.
click on all photographs to enlarge
Andrew Hillhouse's interpretation of the March on canvas for the Battle Trust was one more highlight

...and lo and behold, just as in 1745, the sun rose pink in the east ...
This was the fourth year of the re-enactment of the Highlanders' night march along the Riggonhead Defile and the second occasion on which marchers were treated to a fine sunrise. The last occasion was the first re-enactment in 2007. But this year the moon shone brightly too. And perhaps that helped the redcoat pickets spot and challenge them ...
Then, as all experienced/ veteran Riggonhead marchers know, [and there's more than 30 who've made the march each year since 2007!] it's back to The Goth for that full Scottish/ Irish/ English breakfast!
P.S. Yes, that is the cornfield stubble running north westwards towards Cockenzie Power Station where archaeologist Dr Tony Pollard has lately placed the initial engagement of the battle; and it's to that self same Power Station's canteen that the Prestonpans Tapestry makes its way on November 27th/ 28th for its next exhibition hereabouts.
Published Date: June 9th 2020