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Global Conferential Tales IX: On the Beach and in The Gothenburg

The Finest Food and Drink for Our Guests

There was never a moment when we doubted that Andrew Laurie and his colleagues in the kitchens, and Steven Cross and Anne Taylor as impressarios of the Conference, would not do our guests proud. After all, they are pre-eminent professionals who have won acclaim across Scotland for the services offered at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. Andrew had thus far already won the Golf Cup, and prepared the Gothenburg's first ever Deep Fried Mars Bars dessert. But there were hoops still to jump through that would surely test them all out?

Thursday was perhaps the day of the 'real' test. The specification said: [i] 75 freshly cooked Scotch eggs at Birsley Brae for 07.45 for the Battlefield Breakfast [of which more elsewhere]; and [ii] a Beach Barbecue for 120 at 18.30 to be concluded before High Tide at 20.30.

There had never been such a Barbecue before; but there will certainly be another in due course. It worked extremely well with places to park and a beach to comb. Very soon pottery shard necklaces were being proposed for export worldwide.

Barbecue Pictures Barbecue Pictures Barbecue Pictures
Barbecue Pictures Barbecue Pictures Barbecue Pictures
Barbecue Pictures Barbecue Pictures High Tide

And all the while the Gothenburg's CEO Anne Taylor [right herself a veteran of Chemainus, Lindsay and Ely conferences] and Chef Andrew Laurie [now destined for Sheffield in 2008 to defend his Golf Title] gazed down from the promenade with obvious satisfaction!

Wei Luan, whose mural Cat Fight already adorns the Gothenburg Entrance Hallway, also looked on from the top of the Gothenburg/ John Muir steps. His paint brush started atwitching, he set to work and in an hour created the work shown here too.

Gazing Down From The Promenade Wei Luan Artwork

From 20.30 as the tide flowed in, it was back to The James Fewell Bar for North Sea Gas and guest Glen Ford's Nevada Cowboy Poetry.

Glen Fords Nevada Cowboy Poetry Glen Fords Nevada Cowboy Poetry The James Fewell Bar
The James Fewell Bar The James Fewell Bar The James Fewell Bar
The James Fewell Bar The James Fewell Bar The James Fewell Bar
The James Fewell Bar The James Fewell Bar

Needless to say, they took Thursday in their stride and prepared for the Civic Reception's canapes and Champagne the following evening at The Community Centre.

There was universal admiration for the Conference services provided and a great Thank You to all The Gothenburg's staff before guests departed. Indeed a Day's Holiday and Celebration was accorded by the directors as soon as a whole day closing can be scheduled!

Published Date: August 18th 2006

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