Planting a Rowan Tree at Greenhills .....'Keep Our Coast'
Coastal Regeneration is already in hand .. and carries a vital message
Keep Our Coast .... and to reinforce the message the young people present on September 21st planted a rowan tree right there on Greenhills.


Tim Porteus explained the choice of tree to the young people present .. and assisting!
"The Rowan Tree is known in mythology as the Tree of Life. It is a guardian tree. Traditionally people would plant it by their door to protect the home from evil forces. It is a tree invested with powerful spiritual strength and cares for those who have planted it.
"The planted tree now guards over our shared communal green space at Greenhills. The children who planted it have staked a claim to the hills that bear the footprints of their parents and grandparents memories, and of their own.
"Let no one dare uproot this community Rowan, which was planted with children's own hands soiled by love of this communal place."

... and the band played on ... many thanks!

Published Date: September 25th 2014