3 Harbours Sees the Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry back in The Pans - all week
Time to repay debt to 3 Harbours Festival ...
... it certainly is, and the Battle of Prestonpans Heritage Trustees know it's long overdue. What debt?
The notion that maybe a tapestry some 79 metres long might be stitched was first floated publicly at 3 Harbours in 2009 - with an advert on the rear cover of the programme. We wanted volunteer stitchers. The response is now 'community history', 105 metres long with more than 150,000 visitors by early 2013 and off to Bayeux itself to exhibit in September/ October this year to add another 50,000 .... and two magnificent offspring are being created already ...
The Battle Trust has mounted more than 30 exhibitions across Scotland, England and France and en passant sold more than a thousand tea towels not to mention mugs, books in English, French and Gaelic ... and book marks ...
Of course the Trust always wanted to exhibit throughout the 3 Harbours Festival. It knows who its friends are! And now at long last diaries have been matched up and the community artwork tapestry in all its glory will be in the Prestonpans Community Centre throughout the 2013 Festival - Entry Free as ever ....

Published Date: April 1st 2013